Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Backup SMS for Android on PC

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VeryAndroid SMS Backup is a sharp andriod sms patronage software that crapper double and patronage sms for Android sound to computer, change sms patronage file to some robot phone, and also send messages or chitchat with a friend on machine directly, just the same as that you do on your robot phone.

It crapper support you:
- Copy and patronage sms from Anroid sound to computer.
- Restore sms from CSV to robot sound some time.
- Send SMS & SMS Chat on machine directly.
- Transfer sms to robot sound from another phones (iPhone, Windows Mobile, Nokia, Blackberry etc).
- View sms messages in threading mode on computer.

Go to the Market (on your Android) and see for VeryAndroid SMS Backup and try.

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